I am once again humbled and honored to receive a blog award. This award came to me from Crafty Sue. Sue is in Italy and shares wonderful projects on her blog in both English and Italian. I have learned a great deal and been inspired by Sue's creativity. To the best of my knowledge this award is for the" blog with beautiful eyes".
This award originated from http://li-katuki.blogspot.com/. We are to include this phrase" Nenhum olhar è mais puro do que uma criança...." which means "The eyes of a child are the purest". Isn't that beautiful? And the precious face on this award just has to make you smile! Here are the instructions for this award:
- Post the sentence : Nenhum olhar è mais puro do que uma criança....
- Post the award.
- Mention the blog that gave birth to this award: "Arte da Li" http://li-katuki.blogspot.com/
- Mention and thank the blog that gave you this award and post their blog link.
- Pass it on to 10 blogs and leave a comment on their blogs to let them know they've been awarded.
Thank you so much, Sue, for this award and for blessing me with your caring and inspiration! You help to make this blogging experience so much richer! Dio ti benedica.
Hope you all will come back and visit again soon!
Blessings to you,
Vicki I am so happy you accepted this award... thanks for the blessing in Italian.
Congratulations, Vicki!